
Welcome! We are an organization dedicated to support the Suzuki Talent Education Method by offering teachers and families opportunities to connect, learn, and make music together. We offer opportunities for teacher networking, regional play-ins, and connections to workshops around the state.

Our Mission Statement

The purpose of the SAI shall be to promote the Talent Education method of music education based upon the teaching principles of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki and to create community among Indiana’s teachers, students, and parents. In doing so, the SAI shall act as a resource for anyone seeking information or guidance. The SAI shall provide the Suzuki community with opportunities for growth through a variety of events and activities. As an Affiliate Chapter of the Suzuki Association of the Americas, the SAI shall promote and uphold the principles and ethics of the national organization.

Read our Current Bylaws (2022).

The Suzuki Association of Indiana is an affiliate chapter of the Suzuki Association of the Americas.chapter_affiliate_logo


The Suzuki Association of Indiana offers two membership levels:

  1. Teacher Members are Suzuki teachers who are also active members of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Teacher members receive a quarterly newsletter, participate in networking opportunities and workshops throughout the year, and have their names listed on the website. Teacher members have full voting privileges and participate in the annual meeting and workshop held in July. The annual teacher membership fee is $30.
  2. Associate membership is open to the parents of Suzuki music students or other supporters of Suzuki Talent Education in Indiana. Associate members do not have to be members of the SAA. Associate members do not have voting privileges but are invited to attend the annual meeting as desired. Associate members receive the quarterly newsletter as well as updates and invitations to events around the state. The annual associate membership fee is $15.

To join the SAI, you can register online. After submitting your registration, please use the PayPal link on the right hand sidebar of this website to make your membership payment.