2018 Workshop with Edmund Sprunger

Inspiring Ideas for Successful Practice

The Suzuki Association of Indiana is sponsoring a day-long workshop with nationally acclaimed Suzuki Teacher Trainer, violin teacher, and child psychotherapist Edmund Sprunger, author of “Helping Parents Practice: Ideas for Making It Easier” and “Building Violin Skills.”

The workshop will be held on October 27, 2018, at the Indianapolis First Friends Meetinghouse and is open to all parents and teachers of music students. 

Edmund Sprunger


  • 8:30 am                       Register and Check In
  • 9:00 -12:00                  Ed Sprunger Session on Practicing Techniques
  • 12:00 – 1:30                 Lunch (a list of nearby restaurants will be provided)
  • 1:30 -2:30                    Student masterclass with Edmund Sprunger
  • 2:30 – 3:30                   Follow Up/ Q&A

Workshop Fees

$40 Suzuki Association of Indiana Members (teacher or associate memberships available)

$51 SAI Non-members 

To join the Suzuki Association of Indiana, go to https://www.indianasuzuki.org/join/

Payment of membership and workshop dues may be made at https://www.paypal.me/indianasuzuki or by check at the workshop.

Students of SAI teacher members may apply to perform in the afternoon masterclass for an additional $25 fee if accepted. Additional parents of masterclass participants may attend the masterclass for no charge.

Workshop Registration Form

    First Name:*

    Last Name:*

    Your Email:*

    Street Address:*